This is a zoomed in section of the editing process that we have been going through on Premiere Pro. The blue clip on the top line is the clip of my green screen and the pink clip underneath is the colour that we have inserted to replace the green in the green screen. The green clip right at the bottom is the soundtrack to our music video that runs all the way through.
During the course of the week, we have been continuing to edit using Premiere Pro, this has taught me various skills that will be valuable throughout the A2 course such as how to sync up the music to the actions on screen, how to cut clips and how to add a block colour behind us performing in front of the green screens (which is shown above in the second photograph). We have encountered several minor problems whilst editing such as clips last such as the music not syncing correctly and not having enough footage for when we got towards the end of the video, however, we have documented this and have already decided what to improve in our second draft.